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The dropping out of pollen seasons Relation of the pollen content of the air to hay fever, asthma, and dermatitis of the exposed
星级: 8 页
natural history of hay fever and pollen sensitization, and doctors' diagnosis of hay fever and pollen asthma in german schoolch
星级: 5 页
Effect of Air Pollution, Contamination and High Altitude on Bronchial Asthma
星级: 10 页
Economic results from the treatment of pollen asthma and hay fever
星级: 11 页
The effect of cortisone on bronchial asthma and hay fever occurring in subjects sensitive to ragweed pollen
星级: 6 页
The effect of pollen injections on the common cold in hay fever subjects Louis Sternberg, M.D., New York, N. Y. (Abstract)
星级: 2 页
Asthma and hay fever in theory and practice Arthur F. Coca, M.D., Matthew Walzer, M.D., and August A. Thommen, M.D. Cloth. Pp. 8
星级: 2 页
Beet pollen and beet seed dust causing hay fever and asthma
星级: 3 页
Asthma, Hay Fever, Pollen, and Climate Change
星级: 11 页