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Slow rise of intracellular Ca2+ concentration in rat primary sensory neurons triggered by loureirin B
星级: 6 页
【精品】Primary afferent neurons of the gut
星级: 74 页
primary afferent neurons of the gut
星级: 74 页
Enhanced excitability of dissociated primary sensory neurons after chronic compression of the dorsal root ganglion in the rat
星级: 7 页
The modulation of the excitability of primary sensory neurons by Ca 2+ –CaM–CaMKII pathway
星级: 11 页
Sodium channels, excitability of primary sensory neurons, and the molecular basis of pain
星级: 11 页
Modulation of CNS excitability by water movement. the D2O effects on the non-linear neuron-glial dynamics
星级: 8 页
Estrogen and Visceral Nociception at the Level of Primary Sensory Neurons
星级: 7 页
The Gain Modulation by N-methyl-D-aspartate in the Projection Neurons of Robust Nucleus of the Arcopallium in Adult Zebra Finche
星级: 8 页