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星级: 16 页
Evaluation of the Performance of Multinational Corporation's R&D on Chinese National Innovation System
星级: 7 页
Impact of Information Technology on Organizational Performance A Comparative Quantitative Analysis of Pakistan's Banking
星级: 42 页
The Impact of International Regimes on Information Technology and Electronic Commerce.doc
星级: 28 页
Impact of Distribution Channel Innovation on the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises
星级: 36 页
R&D advancement, technology diffusion, and impact on evaluation of public R&D
星级: 10 页
The impact of service R&D on the performance of Korean information communication technology small and medium enterprises
星级: 16 页
Digital Library of the impact of information technology on higher education
星级: 10 页
Light of information technology on the impact of modern education
星级: 12 页