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Ethnicity, Edited by John Hutchinson and Anthony D
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Progress in surface and membrane science, volume 7 Edited by J. F. Danielli, M. D. Rosenberg, and D. A. Cadenhead. Academic Pres
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Active Volcanism and Continental Rifting in Africa (AVCOR) Introduction to the Special Issue
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Aboriginal man and environment in Australia Edited by D. J. Mulvaney
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Active Volcanism and Continental Rifting in Africa (AVCOR) Introduction to the Special Issue
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The Northern North Atlantic A Changing Environment, edited by P. Sch fer, W. Ritzrau, M. Schl ter and J. Thiede (Book Review)
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Acid toxicity and aquatic animals Edited by R. Morris, E. W. Taylor, D. J. A. Brown & J. A. Brown. Cambridge University Pre
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Organelle Diseases: clinical features, diagnosis, pathogenesis and management. Edited by D. A. Applegarth, J. E. Dimmick and J.
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handbook of crystal growth. vol. 1 fundamentals. a thermodynamics and kinetics; b transport and stability edited by d. t. j. hur
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