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Deformation and failure of hard rock under laboratory and field
星级: 136 页
Yang-Mills Theory as a Deformation of Topological Field Theory, Dimensional Reduction and Q
星级: 59 页
Compositionality, Context and Semantic Values - Essays in Honour of Ernie Lepore 2009
星级: 287 页
Compositionality, Context and Semantic Values - Essays in Honour of Ernie Lepore 2009
星级: 287 页
Logic and Language in the Middle Ages A Volume in Honour of Sten Ebbesen
星级: 491 页
yang-mills theory as a deformation of topological field theory, dimensional reduction and q
星级: 59 页
Robert J. Stainton, Christopher Viger Compositionality, Context and Semantic Values_ Essays in Honour of Ernie Lepore (Studies i
星级: 287 页
Making and breaking the arc A volume in honour of Professor John Gamble
星级: 1 页
Chemical etching of a disordered solid From experiments to field theory
星级: 7 页
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- 13-01
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- Abstract
- Magnetic properties of pure DTN
- Experimental phase diagram of Br-doped DTN
- Modelling Br doping
- Bose and Mott glasses
- High-field Bose glass
- Thermal percolation crossover
- Conclusions
- Methods Summary
- References
- Figure 1 Sketch of the bosonic phases of DTN and Br-doped DTN.
- Figure 2 Thermodynamic properties of the magnetic Bose glass and BEC phases.
- Figure 3 Phase diagrams in the field-temperature plane.
- Figure 4 Specific heat scaling and Mott glass.
- Figure 5 Critical temperature scaling close to the zero-temperature critical fields.
- 13-02
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Hyperactivity, anxiety and stereotypies in Scn1a+/- mice
- Scn1a+/- mice have deficits in social interaction
- Scn1a+/- mice have deficits in context-dependent spatial memory
- Conditional Scn1a+/- mutant mice exhibit autism-related behaviours
- Deficit of NaV1.1 channels impairs GABAergic neurotransmission
- Treatment of autism-related phenotypes in Scn1a+/- mice with clonazepam
- Discussion
- Methods Summary
- References
- Figure 1 Scn1a+/- mice show hyperactivity, anxiety-like behaviour, increased stereotypies, and impaired social behaviour.
- Figure 2 Profound deficits in context-dependent spatial learning and memory in Scn1a+/- mice.
- Figure 3 Dlx1/2-Scn1a+/- mice have the impaired spatial learning and autism-related phenotypes observed in Scn1a+/- mice.
- Figure 4 Deficit of NaV1.1 channels and GABAergic neurotransmission
- Figure 5 Complete rescue of impaired social behaviour and fear-associated memory deficits by low-dose clonazepam treatment.
- 13-03
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Global mapping of transcript distributions
- Global transcriptional architecture of the adult brain
- Local patterning reflects hippocampal cytoarchitecture
- Neocortical transcription reflects spatial topography
- Discussion
- Methods Summary
- References
- Figure 1 Data generation and analysis pipeline.
- Figure 2 Topography of transcript distributions for dopamine-signalling- and postsynaptic-density-associated genes.
- Figure 3 Global gene networks.
- Figure 4 Structural variation in gene expression.
- Figure 5 Distinct transcriptional profiles of hippocampal subfields and human-specific pattern of CALB1 expression.
- Figure 6 The neocortical transcriptome reflects primary sensorimotor specialization and in vivo spatial topography.
- 13-04
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Function and architecture of ASIC1a-PcTx1 complex
- PcTx1 binds at subunit interfaces
- Conformational changes in the extracellular domain
- Ion channel at high pH
- Architecture of low-pH ion channel pore
- Low-pH pore is sodium-selective
- Ion-binding sites
- Mechanism
- Conclusion
- Methods Summary
- References
- Methods
- Methods References
- Figure 1 PcTx1 activates the chicken ASIC1a D13 construct.
- Figure 2 Extensive interactions adhere PcTx1 to the D13 ion channel.
- Figure 3 Conformational changes in the extracellular domain.
- Figure 4 Structural rearrangements and ion selectivity of the transmembrane pores.
- Figure 5 Cs+ binding sites.
- Figure 6 Schematic representation of gating.
- 14-01
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- Authors
- Abstract
- References
- Figure 1 Multiband images of the z = 9.6 galaxy candidate MACS 1149-JD.
- Figure 2 Composite colour image of MACS J1149.6+2223 made from multiband data.
- Figure 3 Probability distributions of photometric redshift estimation.
- Figure 4 Stellar population synthesis modelling results for MACS 1149-JD.
- 14-02
- 14-03
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Methods Summary
- References
- Figure 1 All-length-scale hierarchy in thermoelectric materials.
- Figure 2 Thermoelectric properties of SPS and ingot samples of PbTe-SrTe doped with 2 mol% Na.
- Figure 3 Micro and nanostructures in SPS PbTe-SrTe(4 mol%) doped with 2 mol% Na.
- Figure 4 Compositional analysis of SPS PbTe-SrTe(4 mol%) doped with 2 mol% Na.
- 14-04
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- Authors
- Abstract
- Methods Summary
- References
- Methods
- Methods References
- Figure 1 Model scenarios and solutions.
- Figure 2 Response of &Sgr;N/&Sgr;P to the degree of stoichiometric diversity, RO,ST.
- Figure 3 Role of ocean circulation illustrated in a three-box model.
- Figure 4 Influence of individual surface regions on &Sgr;N/&Sgr;P.
- 14-05
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Methods Summary
- References
- Figure 1 Preference for afternoon precipitation over soil moisture anomalies.
- Figure 2 Sensitivities of pre-rain-event soil moisture to mean soil moisture and time of day.
- Figure 3 Simulated preference for afternoon precipitation over soil moisture anomalies.
- 14-06
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- 14-09
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- Authors
- Abstract
- Methods Summary
- References
- Methods
- Methods References
- Figure 1 Lrp4-expressing non-muscle cells induce clustering of synapsin in motor axons.
- Figure 2 Lrp4, attached to polystyrene beads, induces presynaptic differentiation in motor neurons.
- Figure 3 Lrp4 binds to motor axons.
- Figure 4 Lrp4 is essential for presynaptic differentiation independent of MuSK activation.
- 14-10
- 14-11
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Methods Summary
- References
- Figure 1 hrde-1 encodes a nuclear AGO protein that acts in inheriting generations to promote multigenerational germline RNAi inheritance.
- Figure 2 HRDE-1 engages the NRDE nuclear RNAi pathway to direct multigenerational RNAi inheritance.
- Figure 3 The RNAi inheritance machinery transmits endogenous epigenetic information across generations.
- Figure 4 The RNAi inheritance machinery promotes germline immortality.
- 14-12
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Methods Summary
- References
- Methods
- Methods References
- Figure 1 Loss of Set2 results in increased histone exchange and an enrichment of H3K56ac over ORFs.
- Figure 2 Increased histone exchange correlates with increased acetylation over ORFs in set2D cells.
- Figure 3 Loss of Asf1-mediated exchange in set2D cells decreases the enrichment of acetylated histones over ORFs.
- Figure 4 Cryptic transcript phenotype caused by histone chaperone-mediated histone exchange in set2D cells.
- 14-13
- Title
- Authors
- Abstract
- Methods Summary
- References
- Methods
- Methods References
- Figure 1 Crystal structure of porcine Hp-Hb.
- Figure 2 The Hp-bound Hb dimer is in its oxy-state.
- Figure 3 The Hb contact area overlaps with the Hb dimer contact area in Hb tetramers.
- Figure 4 Hb residues prone to oxidative modifications and SAXS.
- 14-14
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- 15-01
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