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- Methods in Cell Physiology, Volume III
- Copyright Page
- List of Contributors
- Preface
- Contents
- Contents of Previous Volumes
- Chapter 1. Measurement of Cell Volumes by Electric Sensing Zone Instruments
- Chapter 2. Synchronization Methods for Mammalian Cell Cultures
- Chapter 3. Experimental Techniques for Investigation of the Amphibian Lens Epithelium
- Chapter 4. Cultivation Tissues and Leukocytes from Amphibians
- Chapter 5. Experimental Procedures for Measuring Cell Population Kinetic Parameters in Plant Root Meristems
- I. Introduction
- II. Definition of Terms
- III. Model of a Hypothetical Root Meristem
- IV. Determination of the Mitotic Cycle Duration
- V. Determination of the Mitotic Cycle and Its Periods—The Use of Tritiated Thymidine
- VI. The Combined Use of Colchicine and Tritiated Thymidine as Cell Markers
- VII. Determination of the Number of Proliferating Cells
- VIII. Detailed Methodology
- References
- Chapter 6. Induction of Synchrony in Chlamydomonas moewusii as a Tool for the Study of Cell Division
- Chapter 7. Staging of the Cell Cycle with Time-Lapse Photography
- Chapter 8. Method for Reversible Inhibition of Cell Division in Tetrahymena pyriformis Using Vinblastine Sulfate
- Chapter 9. Physiological Studies of Cells of Root Meristems
- Chapter 10. Cell Cycle Analysis
- I. Introduction
- II. Experimental Methods for Obtaining Cell Cycle Data
- III. Analysis of Empirical Data—Conversion of Fractions of Cells in a Phase to the Duration of the Phase
- IV. Review of Generation-Time and Phase-Duration Distributions
- V. Effect of the Distribution of Generation Times on the Empirical Determination of Generation Times
- VI. Effect of G2-Duration Distributions and Mitotic Durations on Percentage-Labeled Mitoses Curves
- VII. Methods for Determining the Durations of Mitotic Phases in Vivo
- VIII. Statistical Considerations in the Determination of Generation-Time and Phase-Duration Distributions
- IX. Summary
- References
- Chapter 11. A Method for the Study of Cell Proliferation and Renewal in the Tissues of Mammals
- Chapter 12. Isolation and Fractionation of Metaphase Chromosomes
- I. Introduction
- II. Accumulation of Cells in Metaphase Arrest
- III. Hypotonic Swelling
- IV. Rupture of Hypotonically Swollen HeLa Cells
- V. Elimination of Contaminants from Ruptured HeLa Cells
- VI. Properties of Purified HeLa Chromosomes
- VII. Isolation and Fractionation of Chinese Hamster (CH) Chromosomes
- VIII. Hypotonic Treatment and Cell Rupture
- IX. Fractionation of Chromosomes and Elimination of Other Cellular Constituents by Sucrose Gradient Sedimentation
- X. Discussion
- References
- Chapter 13. Autoradiography with the Electron Microscope: Properties of Photographic Emulsions
- Chapter 14. Cytological and Cytochemical Methodology of Histones
- Chapter 15. Mitotic Cells as a Source of Synchronized Cultures
- Author Index
- Subject Index