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Developing a new form of permeability and Kozeny–Carman constant for homogeneous porous media by means of fractal geometry
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a ladder logic compiler and interpreter
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Inductive Program Synthesis by Using a Reversible Meta-Interpreter
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Looking for Information A Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs, and Behavior By Donald O. Case. 3rd ed. Bingley, UK
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‘Gosh’ A cross-cultural encounter with a Somali woman, a male interpreter and a gynecologist on female genital cuttingmutilati
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Comment on “Unit Cell Information for δ- and γ-VOPO(sub)4( sub)” by Z. G. Li, R. L. Harlow, N. Herron III, H. S. Horowitz, a
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The committee on ways and means A bicentennial history, 1789–1989 By Donald R. Kennon and Rebecca M. Rogers. Washington Gove
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On Disasters and Democracy by David Alexander - Radix
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Towards a Portable and Mobile Scheme Interpreter
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