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Predicting PVT data for CO(sub)2( sub)–brine mixtures for black-oil simulation of CO(sub)2( sub) geological storage
星级: 13 页
The impact of heterogeneity on the distribution of CO(sub)2( sub) Numerical simulation of CO(sub)2( sub) storage at Ketzin
星级: 10 页
Monitoring of CO(sub)2( sub) injected at Sleipner using time-lapse seismic data
星级: 10 页
Implication of Geochemical Simulation for CO(sub)2( sub) Storage Using Data of York Reservoir
星级: 8 页
Analysis of the magnetic properties of Pr(sub)2( sub)Co(sub)17( sub) and Nd(sub)2( sub)Co(sub)17( sub)
星级: 6 页
Monitoring CO(sub)2( sub) response on surface seismic data; a rock physics and seismic modeling feasibility study at the CO(sub)
星级: 16 页
Impact of temperature on CO(sub)2( sub) storage at the Ketzin site based on fluid flow simulations and seismic data
星级: 10 页
Seismic and structural geology constraints to the selection of CO(sub)2( sub) storage sites—The case of the onshore Lusitanian
星级: 18 页
Development of detection and monitoring techniques of CO(sub)2( sub) leakage from seafloor in sub-seabed CO(sub)2( sub) storage
星级: 11 页