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星级: 97 页
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星级: 147 页
星级: 97 页
星级: 93 页
星级: 96 页
星级: 151 页
- Notes to Reader on Conventions and Terms
- Preface
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Part I The Subjective Theory of Value and Praxeology
- 1 Menger’s Subjective Theory of Value: Choice Under Uncertainty
- 2 Mises’ Praxeology
- 3 Mises’ Apriorism
- 4 The Universality of Praxeology
- 5 Praxeology and Leadership
- 6 Leadership as a Process of Exchange Under Uncertainty
- 7 Discussion Scope and Outline
- Part II The Principles and Methods of Mises’ Praxeology
- 8 Methodological Apriorism
- 9 Methodological Principles Regarding the Role of Empirical Data in Praxeology
- 10 The Theory of Human Action, Its A Priori Categories and Assumptions
- 10.1 The A Priori Subjective Theory of Value
- 10.2 The Prerequisites of Action
- 10.2.1 The Prerequisite of Dissatisfaction
- 10.2.2 The Prerequisite of an Image of a Better State (Goal Image)
- 10.2.3 The Prerequisite of Belief in Non-futility of Action (ExpectationHope)
- 10.2.4 The Category of Regularity as a Corollary of Expectation and Imagination
- 10.2.5 The Subjectivity of the Prerequisites of Action
- 10.3 Ends and Means
- 10.4 Time as a Category of Action
- 10.5 Uncertainty and Speculation
- 10.6 Clarifying the Concept of Purposeful Action and Rational Behavior
- 11 Methodological Procedures in Praxeology
- 11.1 The Procedures of von Mises
- 11.2 von Mises’ Method of Economics Briefly Described
- 11.2.1 The Static Method and Entrepreneurship as Change Agency
- 11.2.2 Employing the Static Method to Understand the Process of Action Between Entrepreneurship, the Division of Labor and Consumer Sovereignty
- 11.2.3 The Business Cycle Theory of von Mises; The Use of Action-Based Definitions and Empirical Assumptions
- 11.2.4 Empirical Issues in von Mises’ Economics; Falsification Based on Assumptions
- 12 Distinguishing Features of Praxeology
- Part III Entrepreneurship, Imitation and Innovation
- 13 Praxeology Versus Social Evolution as A Priori Frameworks
- 14 Entrepreneurship as Evolution of Action
- 15 The Ultimate A Priori of Discovery
- 16 The Logic of Perceived Possibilities—Praxeology and the Process of Evolutionary Learning
- 17 Defining Innovation from a Praxeological Perspective
- 18 The “A Priori” Category of Imagination
- 19 Some A Priori Aspects of Learning
- Part IV The Human Action of Leadership
- 20 Conceptualizing Leadership
- 21 Conceptualizing Leadership Action Praxeologically
- 22 The Follower Purposeful Response
- 23 The Category of the Response Cue (R Cue)
- 24 The Subjective Theory of Value and Following
- 25 Uncertainty
- 26 Power as a Category of Leadership Action
- 27 Meta Leadership
- Part V Synthesis
- 28 The Principles of Praxeology and Its Role as a Method of Social Science
- 29 Evolution and Change in Action
- 30 Leadership
- Epilogue
- Bibliography
- Index