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慢速德语042 Finns Reise im Schlafanzug(德汉对照版)
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星级: 22 页
- Cover
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- Preface
- Introduction
- 1. Mythological Accounts of Creation
- 2. The Milesians
- 3. Heraclitus
- 4. Parmenides and Eleaticism
- 5. Empedocles
- 6. Anaxagoras
- 7. Leucippus and Democritus
- 8. Some Other Presocratics
- 9. Plato
- 10. Aristotle
- 11. Epicurus and His Followers
- 12. The Stoics
- 13. Early Christianity and Creation
- 14. Later Platonism and the Debate with Christianity
- Conclusion
- Notes
- Bibliography
- Index Locorum
- Index of Names
- General Index